Where can I buy authentic real Dolls & how do I avoid scam sites? Got questions? Don't worry... This guide will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know before buying your first love doll. The purpose of this guide is to ensure newcomers and first-time buyers who are less familiar with the doll market do not get scammed or tricked into buying something they will regret. What is a doll? Chances are, you already know what a doll is, but just in case... A doll is a life-size silicone or TPE doll that you can have with. A super-duper human toy, if you like. Also referred to as Love Dolls, real Dolls, silicone Dolls, silicone lovers, companions, real-life Dolls and lots of other fancy names... How do I avoid scammers? Let's jump right into it. The first rule of buying Dolls: If you want an authentic love doll, it might be best to avoid sites like eBay, Amazon or Ali-Express, they are often lots of un-verified sellers selling fake/ replica doll on these sites. Why? Unfortunately, many Dolls you see on eBay and Aliexpress, in particular, are FAKE*. We have notified eBay of this countless times, but unfortunately, they don't seem to be interested or recognise that counterfeit Dolls even exist!
A fake doll is counterfeit or replica doll made with stolen designs in an unauthorised and dodgy factory with zero credentials/safety inspections/quality control. The factories buy a genuine doll from a legitimate manufacturer and replicate it in their own factory, they steal the original manufacturer's authentic photos and use them as bait to catch customers. Just like you see with designer handbags that fall apart after one month that just don't look right, this is the same thing, but with Dolls. It's a complete fraud. The doll you receive will look similar to the photos, but will be significantly poorer quality, with zero guarantees on production, zero safety checks and will not comply with worldwide quality control legislation to ensure your safety, it's also a stolen design and criminal offence, and there's no guarantee your doll won't arrive damaged or just fall apart in a few weeks. If you do buy a cheap fake from eBay, that's exactly what you will get, a cheap fake doll. We have heard horror stories of people receiving blow-up Dolls coated in silicone or Dolls with no actual vagina or anus - now where's the fun in that? Be careful out there people, I know everyone likes a bargain and it's very tempting to seek out the cheapest possible doll you can find, but a little patience, a little research and a little knowledge will go a long way in making sure you don't get scammed. How can we be certain that they are selling fakes? They are not authorised or registered doll vendors and offer zero money-back guarantees. The easiest way to check this is to contact the manufacturer yourself and ask if the site you are purchasing from is a registered vendor. If they're not, then they're fake. They're selling their Dolls as unbranded, or at least not advertising the brand, yet they are using official WM-Dolls professional photos. WM-Dolls are the leading doll manufacturer in the world, the Nike of Dolls if you will... It's like using Nike's professional photos to sell Fake Nike Air Max trainers and then claiming that you design the trainers yourself and that you make them yourself in your own workshop, it's ridiculous. Scammers sell their Dolls at a fraction of the price of authentic Dolls, in fact, they are selling them for cheaper than the WHOLESALE price of authentic WM-Dolls. Sounds too good to be true right? Because it is. Although lately, we've seen scammers charging full price for their Dolls, so this isn't a reliable measure of authenticity on its own. So where can I buy a doll from then? When looking for a reliable vendor, the most important thing to ensure is that they are not selling fake Dolls (Obviously). There are many online stores that offer silicone Dolls, ranging from low-end basic Dolls to high-end hand-finished masterpieces.
Nearly ALL verified vendors can be found on 'The Doll Forum', please be sure to visit their site for any and all information about Dolls that you'll ever need: The Doll Forum An authentic vendor will always offer you a money-back guarantee. They will provide detailed information on the manufacturer and provide detailed photos of the exact doll you receive, they will be able to offer customisation and they will have a registered address in the country that they operate from. They will advertise their quality control processes and specialise in the sale of Dolls only. They will be able to answer any questions you have and offer sound advice before you make any purchase so you can be certain you are making the right choice. We are a registered and authorised doll vendor, located in the UK. Please feel free to contact us directly to check our credentials using the contact form here. We are happy to answer any questions and are always here to give advice. support@siliconelovers.com You don't even need to buy from us, you can just come to us for free advice if you like. We are dedicated to making sure people get an authentic doll, period. So...Thinking of buying a doll? Not sure? Are you a bit "on the fence" about buying a doll? Well, you might like to know that Dolls actually hold their value very well and have a high resale value. If you change your mind later on, many vendors actually offer a ‘buy-back’ service on their Dolls (if you inquire). You can also resell them on The Doll Forum.
Is it strange to want a doll? Will people judge me? No, the doll industry is growing rapidly- we believe it will be considered very normal to have a doll in the future. We see first hand the types of people that are interested in Dolls, and I can tell you now, you probably already know someone who has one…If you're worried about what people think, just join the doll forum and you'll be instantly amongst like-minded friends. Are Dolls only for men? Do women like Dolls? No, Dolls are for anyone who wants one. The majority of sales are currently to males, but approximately 10% of all sales are male Dolls sold to female buyers. Many couples also buy Dolls to add a little fun into their life. What are the top 5 things I should consider before buying my first doll? The top 5 things to consider when buying a doll (that are often overlooked): Quality and Price Authenticity Storage & Weight Manufacturer & Vendors Customisations. 1. Quality & price: We would recommend buying a mid to high range doll.
This will ensure an optimum price/ quality ratio for first-time buyers and ensure an excellent experience. What is a mid to high range doll? A mid to high range doll is a doll built by a reputable and experienced manufacturer using high-quality materials, excellent product designs, sold by a supplier that offers a money-back guarantee and has a variety of custom doll options available. Prices generally range from £1,500 - £2,500 for a mid to high-end doll in the UK and $2000+ in the USA. Should I buy a cheap doll? Cheap Dolls are just that, cheap. We would not recommend buying a cheap doll for the following reasons; No money-back guarantee Often Fakes or imitation products Materials used are generally inferior and can be toxic. Short "life" expectancy of the product (ie material can split) Limited quality control or attention to detail Dolls are often damaged in transit Poor design and workmanship No CE or health & safety standards certificate Inexperienced and/or unknown manufacturers Expensive shipping Unexpected customs costs and taxes You may not receive the product at all.
Furry Sex DollsIf you are taking the leap into the doll world, get the real thing. We understand that it can be a little expensive, but there are ways of financing them without breaking the bank. We offer interest-free CREDIT on our site so you can split payments over a time period that suits you best, check it out here. With that in mind, There is no need to go out and spend £10,000 on a high-end super-duper high-spec doll (You wouldn't buy a Ferrari as your first car)...Likewise, if you buy cheap, you buy twice. A cheap doll like a cheap car needs fixing or scrapping way sooner than you might think. The smart move is to get a mid to high range doll. You will get exceptional quality, excellent design features and an ultra-realistic doll, plus- it's a solid investment, you really can't go wrong. 2. Authenticity: Like everything in the world, avoid fakes and scammers. It doesn't need too much explanation, but there are some people out there selling fake Dolls purely for financial gain. At Silicone Lovers, we are building a reputable worldwide brand that puts customer service and user experience as our number one priority. If you want to know more about us, just click the link here.
3. Storage and weight: People often skip these important factors... But you might get a surprise when you handle your doll for the first time... Why is this important? Dolls are big, they can be heavy, and they need to be stored properly. Most Dolls can be moved by yourself, but always check the weight before you buy to avoid any surprises, some Dolls weigh over 50KG (that's a lot), if you are concerned, go for a lighter model, there are many available. Any good supplier will be able to advise on the weight of the doll you are interested in buying. Think of your new doll as a long-term investment that needs to be stored and looked after properly to ensure a long and prosperous life... Dolls can be stored in their original packaging box, or a flight case, or can be hung in a wardrobe with a special hanging attachment available at most suppliers. For more info on storage, check out our maintenance guide here. 4. Manufacturers & Suppliers: Manufacturers are not to be confused with suppliers (Also know as Vendors). Manufacturers are the companies that design, fabricate and make Dolls, they are the "creators" of these fine products, from concept to completion, they are the gods of Dolls if you like... Suppliers are the online shops that have permission and authority from the manufactures to supply Dolls to customers.
There are good ones and bad ones of both manufacturers and suppliers. What makes a good manufacturer? A good manufacturer is a manufacturer that specialises in the production of excellently designed, tried and tested, high-quality Dolls and nothing else. They offer hundreds of moulded designs and customisation options for all types of Dolls. A good manufacturer has extensive experience in the production of Dolls and a long history in the industry, they meet worldwide safety standards and have excellent communication departments who have with a worldwide communication reach, they have extensive quality control measures and ensure a high-quality product line. A bad manufacturer is inexperienced and often purchases a single doll from a good manufacturer with the intention to replicate it without any of the extensive knowledge or know-how that goes into the fabrication of these wonderful Dolls (avoid at all times). Expect poor quality materials, sloppy workmanship, poor communication, little knowledge of Dolls etc. A 'good supplier' has a working relationship with 'good manufacturers', offers a money-back guarantee on all purchases and has extensive knowledge of the industry. A good supplier is authorised to sell high-quality Dolls and is registered with HMRC to import products globally (If operating from the UK). A good supplier will always prioritise customer satisfaction and quality products over a "quick buck". A 'bad supplier' works with and enables the 'bad manufacturers', together they are basically scammers selling fakes and poor quality rubbish for a high price tag. They can be easily spotted on sites like eBay or gumtree, some even have proper websites and are selling fake Dolls for cheaper than the original manufacturer. Don't fall for it- do the research. We consider ourselves 'good vendors'. We are in this game for the long run, and you don't get far in this business by offering poor service and poor quality products. We don't like receiving poor customer service, so we certainly don't give it out. We have a specific protocol that we follow when choosing our preferred manufacturers to ensure we only provide the very best Dolls available today.
What is the difference between TPE Dolls and Silicone Dolls? TPE vs SILICONE: The big debate! TPE: Softer to touch. More flexible. Meaning the Dolls are more flexible. Good conductor of heat, but sensitive to excessive heat. Cheaper. Hypoallergenic material. (Won't cause allergic reactions). Vulnerable to stains. Sticky to touch without talcum powder. Porous material. Moisture left inside openings can result in mould growing if not kept maintained properly. Harder to sterilise due to pours nature. SILICONE: More detailed and realistic features. Can retain heat, less sensitive to excessive heat. Easy to clean Easy to sterilise Resistant to stains Low maintenance Hypoallergenic. More expensive. Sticky to touch without talcum powder. Not as soft to touch Less realistic “wobble” We personally prefer TPE, but it’s a personal decision in the end…
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